More Stretch Goals Crushed... Courtesy of Nordic Games!

The Nightwar Grows Stronger

Battle Chasers: Nightwar got off to a hot start on Kickstarter, but we fell just shy of a few high-end stretch goals that were popular with our backers. While we've continued to take campaign contributions here on, nothing can compare to the mass and momentum of a Kickstarter campaign for generating funds.

Nothing, that is, except the support of a partner. Which is why we're happy to announce Airship's alliance with Nordic Games to increase funding for Nightwar, and to provide Airship with key support in areas we don't have particular expertise; namely publishing, localization, marketing, and so on. 

So what does this mean for you, as a backer, supporter, or fan of our upcoming RPG?

Well, first thing's first...

That's right. Our last remaining stretch goals have all been crushed. You can now expect a bigger game, with more polished 2D presentation, and the all important VOICE ACTING for key heroes and villains! Over time, expect some cool announcements on exactly how each of these new features will be worked into the final game. But know that we're crazy excited to have them included.

While new features and polish are great, here's what's possibly the most important aspect of this partnership: we can focus all of our efforts on making a great game, and leave the rest to Nordic. As you might expect from recent alliances between independent game studios and publishers who share their visioni, we still have 100% ownership and creative control of the project. 

As always, thank you to all those who have supported the project thus far, and as a final note...

New Gameplay Trailer

Check out the brand new gameplay trailer for Battle Chasers: Nightwar!

-Airship Dev Team